Saw the promotion advertisement where you get chance to attend picnic by the bay when you purchase a tube of Pronamel, and so I did. Mad happy when I've won myself a pair of tickets! Excited that I'm going to see Anthony Neely up close! HELLO HANDSOME!

As stated above in the promotion poster, there's a picnic basket with 2 box of salad, 2 pack of sandwiches, 2 packets of Ribena (idk why it's called fruit juice when it's not really one), 4 different types of oranges and 2 apples, and it's ALL FREE (:
There are people making ice cream, two flavors - oreo and cream & strawberry but we took both oreo and cream and it's heavenly. I think maybe because oreo tasted good in any kind of edible forms.
Chef making salad, when we already have salad, is not really helping, should have demonstrate some other food instead. And last but not least, ANTHONY NEELY. He is really cute because of his ABC look and he sang a few song. There are lucky draw as well but the prize is getting his autographed CD and chance to take Polaroid with him. I think it's not a really suitable prize because there are like 60% family kind, 20% his fans while 20% is like us Gen Y. Not everyone would be really happy getting those prizes though, and most of those that won are uncles :l and woops for the blurry picture of A.N

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